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mother/daughter at bedtime with smoke sensor
August 02, 2021

What Causes House Fires In Long Beach

When you’re a homeowner, one of the biggest perils to your property and family is the potential for a fire. The U.S. Fire Administration calculated in 2019 that American homeowners underwent approximately $1.6 billion in damages due to accidental or unattended fires. Unfortunately, fires are unpredictable and are frequently preventable -- with a little knowledge of where to act. And, fortunately, you have a monitored fire alarm that sends you aid immediately should you experience an outbreak.

What Causes House Fires In Long Beach?

Fires can spark in any spot with no warning in the home. However, you can lessen the risk of a house fire if you take safety measures around the following items:

  • Stoves and Ovens: Cooking is far and away the leading cause of a house fire in Long Beach. Kitchen-related blazes commonly result when the kitchen goes unattended while making the meal. Water thrown on a grease fire can quickly spread a flame that would alternatively be contained.

  • Candles: Going to sleep in a space with a lit candle is problematic, even if you’re using a high-sided candle holder. The flame is more than capable of catching a curtain on fire if left near a window, and pets can topple candlesticks in their playing. The National Fire Protection Association estimates that more than 7,600 houses were damaged due to candle-related accidents between 2014-2018.

  • Electrical wires: Corroded electrical circuit interrupters, “tamper-resistant” electrical outlets, aging or poorly set up lighting, and frayed lamp cords are all prone to sparks. Don't overburden your outlets or plug anything in with exposed wiring. If for any reason you hear a pop or detect smoke from the outlet, turn the breaker off ahead of investigating.
  • Space Heaters: Skip over coiled space heaters because junk, like dust bunnies, paper, or bed sheets can find their way in and catch fire. However, you need to make sure to check on fan and ceramic space heaters for the entire duration of usage.
  • Cigarettes: Solely in 2014, U.S. fire departments came to more than 17,000 house fires triggered by cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. So if you have a smoker who partakes inside, make sure they never fall asleep with a cigarette or smoke in bed. And fully extinguish your tobacco items before you toss it into a garbage can.

A Monitored Smoke Detector Can Brings Help Quickly When There’s A Fire

If a fire happens to start, you will need to have an early discovery system to notify your family members before it's too late. An ordinary smoke alarm might be sufficient but is only able to alert you if smoke is in thick clouds. A state-of-the-art fire alarm -- a security device that's pair with your home security system -- can sense both smoke and climbing heat and can do more to ensure everyone’s safety.

A monitored fire alarm has many it can warn you of smoke. Your alarms will notify you with an incredibly loud tone and an alert to your cell phone. Then your 24/7 monitoring experts gets a hold of the fire department. And should you be somewhere where you’re unable to get back in time when a fire breaks out, you can rest assured that your monitoring agent will maintain contact between you and the fire department.

Get Your Monitored Fire Alarms From Secure24 Alarm Systems

The possibility of house fires in Long Beach should never be underestimated, but you can rest easier if you have a monitored fire alarm in your home. Contact Secure24 Alarm Systems, and we’ll help you get all the smoke alarms you need with a comprehensive home security system. Call (562) 203-6338 or submit the form below to get your home security system.